Publikation 'What's love (not) got to do with it' in 'Proceedings of science'
Stefan Ossmann hat im Open-Access-Journal 'Proceedings of Science' einen Artikel mit dem Titel 'What's love (not) got to do with it. How to pair sexuality- and relationship research with Citizen Science' publiziert.
Der gesamte Artikel steht hier Open Access zur Verfügung, hier der Link zur gesamten Journal-Ausgabe.
Zitiervorschlag: Ossmann, Stefan F. (2021). What’s love (not) got to do with it. How to pair sexuality-and relationship research with citizen science. Proceedings of Science, ACSC2020(003), 1-5. Retrieved from
Hier der Abstract des Artikels:
Citizen Science is a powerful tool in many aspects, with the potential to change the world to the better. Some research topics are trendy or appear regularly, others are hard to find. And one aspect seems to be missing completely in this participative research approach: Relationship and sexuality. The following paper draws on the potential of citizen science in regards to sexuality research in general, and the long-omitted field of consensual non-monogamous relationships.
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