NMCI 2017 Wien - Presentation
Stefan Ossmann presented his first research results titling "Polyamory in the news: How the German-speaking press frames multiple relationships" on the 31st of August at the second worldwide Non-Mongamy and Contemporay conference, held at the Sigmund-Freud-University in Vienna, Austria.
The presentation was part of the panel on "Public framing", were also research results by Daniel Cardoso, Marisa Torres da Silva, Ana Rosa and Athina Mara have been presented.
The results will be published in a series edited by the Department of European Ethnology, University of Vienna, in a edited book titling 'Kinship trouble' beginning of December 2017.
The whole program of the conference can be found here.
Copyright: Stefan Ossmann
Copyright: Stefan Ossmann
Copyright: Stefan Ossmann