PhD successfully defended on the 4th of March 2022
On the 27th of October 2021, Stefan Ossmann submitted his doctoral thesis titling 'Loving, living, acting, thinking and feeling poly. Polyamory in self-perception and media representation in the German-speaking region 2007–2017' at the University of Vienna. The dissertation was reviewed by Prof. Dr. Jens Rydström und Judit Takacs.
On 4th of March 2022 Stefan Ossmann successfully defended his theis by the chair of vice-Studienpräses DDr. Julia Wippersberg, the two reviewers and the thesis supervisors Prof. Dr. Franz X. Eder und ao. Prof. Dr. Fritz Hausjell at the Department of Communications at the University of Vienna.
The thesis consists of overall 435 pages and is publicly accessable as full text here (Database of the University of Vienna).
Copyright: Stefan Ossmann
Copyright: Cleo Verrou
Copyright: Stefan Ossmann