For details on events that have happened within the project please refer to the links on the right side of the page
- Book presentation: '10 answers on the 10 big questions of polyamory.' (2025/02/13)
- DSHC Humanties Slam 2023: 'Must we read newspapers to discover if multiple relationships work?' (Science slam, 2023/20/06)
- Reseraching selected science: 'Better living with polyamory?' (a polyamorous puppet theater, 09/11/2021)
- Schwelle Sexolution online conference: Panel discussion 'Polyamory - identity or sexual orientation?' (14/03/2021)
- Citizen Science Conference: 'What's love (not) got to do with it?' (Science Slam, 09/2020)
- PAN Pearl Meeting: 'Polyamory research in the Germanspeaking area' (Presentation, 09/2020)
- Sexolution Conference: 'What can sexpositivsm be during Corona-times?' (Panel discussion, 05/2020)
- Science Jam - Research on stage (Aarau, SUI): Polyamorie (Performance, 22/10/2019)
- BreakTheRules Brainparty: I love love between three (Presentation, 1/10/2019)
- Debate Scientific Trio: Marriage for all? And if so, for how many? (Discussion, 16/04/2018)
- Long Night of Research 2018: Loving more than one (Information boot, 13/04/2018)
- Science Slam Orpheum Graz: What newspapers write about polyamory (Performance, 12/03/2018)
- VHS Linz: Relationship pitfalls - loving more than one (Presentation, 29/01/2018)
- Wikipedia Science Competition (Competition, 2017/11)
- MAXQDA Picture your Researach: Polyamory (Picture competiton, 2017/09)
- Love Symposium WUK: What do you know about polyamory? (Quiz, 2017/06)
- Queer History Day: Polyamory - Question and answers to new queer concepts on relationships (Presentation and workshop, 2017/05)
- Klub Irrko Space Night: The probably first polyamory-quiz in the whole world (Presentation and Quiz, 2017/03)
- 25 Years anniversary Equality Team University of Vienna: Polyamory (Poster presentation, 12/2016)
- European Researchers Night: What does it mean to be polyamorous? (Info-boot and performance, 09/2016)
- My Research in one Picuture: Polyamory! (Photo competition, 06/2016)
- Long Night of Research 2016: What is Polyamory? (Research competition, 04/2016)
- Draw Science Competition: Polyamory (Visual contest, 03/2016)
- Science Slam Metropol: How queer is my polyamory? (Performance, 09/2015)
- Strolling throuhg Science: Polyamory - Challenges of multiple relationships (Scientific station, 2015/06)
- Science Slam 650 Anniversary University of Vienna: Multiple relationships by the knowledge of all involved persons (Performance, 2015/06)